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While people are living longer today they also are experiencing chronically high levels of stress and fatigue, are consuming nutrient depleted foods, and are exposed to hundreds of potentially harmful chemically through our air, water, cleaning, and personal care products daily. So to say that holistic health is important would be an understatement.

For many living with chronic disease and undiagnosable symptoms, the modern-day healthcare industry has failed them,

and it is time that a more holistic, whole-body solution became a standard part of the way we treat

and support the health of the billions of people living on this planet.

Holistic health also takes into account the many external and environmental factors which could be supporting or impacting our overall health and wellness, and with climate change impacting our surrounding environments more and more each day,

it is important that we have a systematic way of addressing Health & Wellness in the future.


Avoid Succumbing To The Forces

Explore why you function the way you do but also learn to instill balance.


Your life may have become off-center, but prayer without is action is lost. We encourage you to take action today to bring a greater sense of balance to all the areas of your life.

In a MOMENT, we show you how to:

1. Acknowledge and accept that you cannot do everything all the time

2.   Manage yourself, not time.

3.   “Add and subtract.”

4.   Just say “No”

5.   Schedule time for yourself

6.   Live with purpose!


Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, and Reiki therapies use simple no-touch and visualization techniques with the goal of improving the flow of life energy in a person. Practitioners detect and alleviate problems of energy flow on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Beneficial effects may include relaxation and feelings of wellbeing.

BALANCE: Service

A MOMENT to focus on the MIND, BODY & SOUL

Homeostasis is the tendency to resist change in order to maintain a stable, relatively constant internal environment.

Homeostasis works through two primary mechanisms:

  • Positive feedback occurs when the body continually amplifies a bodily state, such as when oxytocin helps to amplify contractions during labor.

  • Negative feedback works by keeping the body around a relatively steady “set point,” and is often compared to a thermostat. For example, when your body temperature increases, you’ll begin sweating to cool your body down, and as your body temperature cools, sweating will stop; if sweating were controlled by positive feedback, it would continue long after your body temperature returned to normal.

Examples of mechanisms that maintain homeostasis include sweating and increasing the heart rate to pump blood to the organs and muscles during exercise.

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