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PAUSE ~ A Move For A Moment, Life, Focus, Legacy, Purpose, Grief, Mental Health, Recovery, Grief Recovery Method

Welcome To

Put Your Life into Focus through the Lens of Legacy

Invision An Ecosystem that embraces Grief, creates Support and promotes Awareness, Growth, Resources & Wellness.

Welcome to PAUSE

A Moment to Reflect. A Movement to Transform.

At PAUSE, Inc., we believe in the power of a single moment—a moment to explore your roots, values, triggers, and inner desires while connecting with your true purpose.

Why are YOU here?
What brought you through the intricate journey of life?

And most importantly, how can you honor that journey?

Our mission is simple yet profound:
To encourage, empower, and inspire YOU to embrace the full spectrum of life and to live with intention, balance, and purpose.

Alchemizing Grief, Turning Tragedy into Transformation, Loss into Legacy and Pain to Passion
PAUSE ~ A Move For A Moment, Life, Focus, Legacy, Purpose, Grief, Mental Health, Recovery, Grief Recovery Method

Our Commitment to You​


We are dedicated to helping individuals take a PAUSE—a meaningful break to reflect on:

  • Who you are?

  • What life has brought your way?

  • How you've responded?

  • Who you are becoming?


Through our focus groups, programs, and resources, we provide the tools to:

  • Reveal your unique legacy

  • Celebrate the essence of your life’s imprint

  • Empower you to navigate life with confidence, purpose, and grace


You Are Enough

You are worthy, just as you are. But life also holds more for you, and together, we will uncover how to be the best version of yourself.

Your Body is Not a Coffin for Pain to be Buried In ... Put it Somewhere Else
Statistics of Grief - Stats on suffering
Types of Grief
PAUSE for Healing

What We Believe


PAUSE is more than a break—it's a journey inward, a commitment to grow, and an opportunity to redefine how you live.


We aim to cultivate reverence for life by fostering:

  • Self-Reflection

  • Mindfulness

  • Transparency & Authenticity

  • Inner Growth & Empowerment

  • Balance & Inner Peace

  • Self-Care & Self-Love


We embrace a holistic approach that nurtures the mind, body, and soul, guiding you to align your:


Head, Heart, and Hands (H3)

Feelings - Feeling Wheel - Feeling sad, bad, Happy, surprised, fear, anger, disgust

Exploring Your Feelings!!!

What Awaits You at PAUSE


Transformative Focus Groups

Dive deep into your life’s narrative, exploring the “why” behind your journey and discovering actionable steps toward your best self.


A Vision for Legacy

Learn to reframe your perspective and uncover the essence of your legacy, creating an imprint that lasts for generations.


Empowered Living

Through moments of reflection, embrace your testimony, live fully in the present, and walk boldly toward the future.

Our Hopes for you as you ~ PAUSE

  • Helping you accept and process your loss

  • Creating a safe space to grieve

  • Identifying new healthy ways to cope with your grief

  • Readjusting to life without your loved one

  • Finding new meaning in your life

  • Developing the bond with your loved one

  • Address complicated grief reactions that may accompany prolonged grief disorder.

Take a Moment for YOU

In the busyness of life, we invite you to PAUSE—because your journey matters, and your purpose deserves attention.

Together, let’s cultivate growth, embrace life’s testimony, and move toward a legacy rooted in authenticity and empowerment.


**Let’s Begin—**

The best version of YOU is waiting.

PAUSE LOGO_edited.png

Suppose these complimentary Moments interest you.
Then you may want to think about:
Subscribing to our Complimentary Moments.

Becoming a member to have full access to all of


This is your Moment to BREATHE, THINK, GROW,
and explore how you can pass the wisdom on to OTHERS.

HOME: Welcome
HOME: Image
Can you find the Wisdom in the Wounds

Ultimate Goals

Your Roots, Trigger, Head and Heart Alignment, Intentional Focus, Growth, Transparency, self-Care, Mindfulness, reflection, enpowerment, balance, inner peace, self-love, elightenment, testimony, well-rounded
Working through old wounds and grief
The Silverlining, creating a shift, Legacy
What is Recovery? Feeling and Expectations
Define Recovery, open-mindedness, courage, willingness, choices

Some of you will come to us needing to take a PAUSE - to find a Road to Recovery and healing & for your own Mental & Physical Wellness, yet we ALL come to capture Peace.

~ Let It Be STILL ~

We encourage all our Members to become PAUSE Motivators on the PAUSE platform and let the place of peace seep into your Local Community. 














PAUSE has invested in a learning management system for you to absorb as much as this world offers and access to a platform that encourages you to pour into OTHERS. 

Would you please come and preregister for one of our informational sessions to explore where YOU fit? 

Every 4th Tuesday of the Month, but check our schedule for our random Moment.






Grief Recovery - Grief Support Group
Grief Recovery Method - One on One Grief Support




a Movement


Create a MOMENT

Potential Motivators - Assisting with Grievers, Coaching, Support, TED Talk, TED Circles, Story Corp.
HOME: About Me
HOME: Welcome

Every Month, the PAUSE COMMUNITY 
focuses on a different area of wellness, explores our feelings and works to make sense of the gift called LIFE.

Whether you are always on the go or home-bound, we believe that Life is about the quality you can bring into it through your commitment to self through our guided "SOUL-WORK".

If you are a subscriber, this experience may lead you to become a MEMBER or even one of our MOTIVATORS

Podacast, Pause Shining a Light & Lighting Up Life


Click Here
Join this
Week's Moment
and all
Future Moment

HOME: About
Quote from Dahria Williams-Fernandes, Grief Specialist
PAUSE Podcast QR Code

Pause was found by a woman, determined to make a MARK while living her DASH. She had been looking to others’ initiatives to commit to while neglecting hers - within. Her journey over the years reflects a need to help others. The culmination of her upbringing was the foundation of her values and natural gifts. Enhanced by her journey, PAUSE incorporates her testimony, values, and principles. Over the years, she molded and revealed through funeral services her ongoing WAR with MS and ignited by the blessing of being a Mother. PAUSE built its foundation here and has risen to be a beacon of empowerment and inner growth for all moving through the struggles of life. 

Taking Pain to PASSION

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